This list of Latin and Greek words commonly used in systematic names is intended to help those unfamiliar with classical languages to understand and remember the scientific names of organisms. The binomial nomenclature used for animals and plants is largely derived from Latin and Greek words, as are some of the names used for higher taxa, such as orders and above. At the time when biologist Carl Linnaeus (1707–1778) published the books that are now accepted as the starting point of binomial nomenclature, Latin was used in Western Europe as the common language of science, and scientific names were in Latin or Greek: Linnaeus continued this practice.
Although Latin is now largely unused except by classical scholars, or for certain purposes in botany, medicine and the Roman Catholic Church, it can still be found in scientific names. It is helpful to be able to understand the source of scientific names. Although the Latin names do not always correspond to the current English common names, they are often related, and if their meanings are understood, they are easier to recall. The binomial name often reflects limited knowledge or hearsay about a species at the time it was named. For instance Pan troglodytes, the chimpanzee, and Troglodytes troglodytes, the wren, are not necessarily cave-dwellers.
Basic Greek Phrases Pdf Reader. The unusual case for the subject of an infinitive is an example of exceptional case- marking, where the infinitive clause's role being an object of a verb or preposition (want, for) overpowers the pronoun's subjective role within the clause.
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Sometimes a genus name or specific descriptor is simply the Latin or Greek name for the animal (e.g. Canis is Latin for dog). These words may not be included in the table below if they only occur for one or two taxa. Instead, the words listed below are the common adjectives and other modifiers that repeatedly occur in the scientific names of many organisms (in more than one genus).
Adjectives vary according to gender, and in most cases only the lemma form (nominativesingularmasculine form) is listed here. 1st-and-2nd-declension adjectives end in -us (masculine), -a (feminine) and -um (neuter), whereas 3rd-declension adjectives ending in -is (masculine and feminine) change to -e (neuter). For example, verus is listed without the variants for Aloe vera or Galium verum.
The second part of a binomial is often a person's name in the genitive case, ending -i (masculine) or -ae (feminine), such as Kaempfer's tody-tyrant, Hemitriccus kaempferi. The name may be converted into a Latinised form first, giving -ii and -iae instead.
Words that are very similar to their English forms have been omitted.
Some of the Greek transliterations given are Ancient Greek, and others are Modern Greek.
In the tables, L = Latin, G = Greek, and LG = similar in both languages.
Latin/Greek | Language | English | Example | Search for titles containing the word or using the prefix: |
acaulis | G, L | stemless | silver thistle, Carlina acaulis; dwarf date palm, Phoenix acaulis | acaulis – acaule |
acutus | L | sharpened, pointed | American crocodile, Crocodylus acutus; angled sunbeam (butterfly), Curetis acuta; northern pintail duck, Anas acuta | acutus – acuta – acutum |
aculeatus | L | prickly | short-beaked echidna, Tachyglossus aculeatus; three-spined stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus; butcher's-broom, Ruscus aculeatus | aculeatus – aculeata – aculeatum |
adustus | L | singed, burnt | side-striped jackal, Canis adustus; dark onyx cowry, Erronea adusta | adustus – adusta – adustum |
africanus | L | African | reed cormorant, Microcarbo africanus; southern African frilled shark, Chlamydoselachus africana; African clubhook-squid, Notonykia africanae; Lemon basil, Ocimum × africanum | africanus – africana, africanae – africanum |
agrestis | L | of the field, wild | field vole, Microtus agrestis; green field-speedwell, Veronica agrestis | agrestis – agreste |
alatus | L āla | winged | pitcher plant, Nepenthes alata; sharpwing monkeyflower, Mimulus alatus; winged elm, Ulmus alata; winged everlasting, Ammobium alatum; winged loosestrife, Lythrum alatum; winged seahorse, Hippocampus alatus; winged-stem passion flower, Passiflora alata | alatus – alata – alatum |
albiceps | L | white-headed | blow fly, Chrysomya albiceps; moth, Syngamia albiceps;wood groundling, Parachronistis albiceps; Mexican golden red rump tarantula, Brachypelma albiceps | albiceps |
albidens | L | white-toothed | white-toothed brush mouse, Coccymys albidens; see also leucodon | albidens |
albopictus | L | painted white | Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus; Moneilema albopictum | albopictus – albopicta – albopictum |
albus | L | white | American white ibis, Eudocimus albus; white oak, Quercus alba; mistletoe, Viscum album | albus – alba – album |
Alpinus | L | alpine; of the Alps | alpine aster, Aster alpinus; alpine bearberry, Arctostaphylos alpina; alpine feverfew, Parthenium alpinum | alpinus – alpina – alpinum |
ambiguus | L | uncertain | beautiful woolly sunflower, Eriophyllum ambiguum; doubtful cone, Conus ambiguus; questionable Stropharia, Stropharia ambigua; tick bush, Kunzea ambigua | ambiguus – ambigua – ambiguum |
amblys | G ἀμβλύς (amblús) | blunt, dull | marine iguana, Amblyrhynchus cristatus | amblys – All pages with titles beginning with Ambly |
americanus | L | American | American black bear, Ursus americanus; American hazel nut, Corylus americana; American mastodon, Mammut americanum | americanus – americana – americanum |
amphi- | G ἀμφί (amphí) | of all kinds, on all sides | amphibian; Amphipoda | All pages with titles beginning with Amphi |
ampulla | L | bottle, flask | northern bottlenose whale, Hyperoodon ampullatus | ampullatus – ampullata – ampullatum – All pages with titles beginning with Ampulla |
Amurensis | L | from the Amur River | Amur grape, Vitis amurensis | amurensis – amurense |
Angolensis | L | from Angola | African teak, Pterocarpus angolensis | angolensis – angolense |
angustiflorus | L | narrow-flowered | Eastwood's bellflower, Campanula angustiflora; narrowflower lupine, Lupinus angustiflorus | angustiflorus – angustiflora – angustiflorum |
angustifolius | L | narrow-leaved | narrowleaf cottongrass, Eriophorum angustifolium; narrowleaf cottonwood, Populus angustifolia; narrowleaf sunflower, Helianthus angustifolius | angustifolius – angustifolia – angustifolium |
angustus | L | narrow | narrow-banded widow, Dingana angusta; narrowleaf pansy monkeyflower, Mimulus angustatus; slimleaf bean, Phaseolus angustissimus; Prairie acacia, Acaciella angustissima; Sea snail, Vexillum angustissimum | angustus – angusta – angustum – angustatus – angustissimus – angustissima – angustissimum |
antarcticus | L | of the southern hemisphere | chinstrap penguin, Pygoscelis antarcticus; gummy shark, Mustelus antarcticus; | antarcticus – antarctica – antarcticum |
anthos | G ἄνθος (ánthos) | flower | anthozoans, Anthozoa; golden wattle, Acacia pycnantha; | All pages with titles beginning with Antho |
anthropo- | G ἄνθρωπος (ánthrōpos) | man, human being | Paranthropus | All pages with titles beginning with Anthropo |
apis | L | bee | honeybee, Apis mellifera; white sage, Salvia apiana | apianus – apiana – apianum – All pages with titles beginning with Api |
aquaticus | L | found near water | eastern mole, Scalopus aquaticus; Wild rice, Zizania aquatic; Water spinach, Ipomoea aquatica; | aquaticus – aquatica – aquaticum |
arborescens | L | tree-like or shrub-like | Artemisia arborescens; Aloe arborescens; Hydrangea arborescens | arborescens |
archaeo- | G ἀρχαῖος (arkhaîos) | ancient | Archaeopteryx | All pages with titles beginning with Archaeo – All pages with titles beginning with Archeo |
arctos | G ἄρκτος (árktos) | bear | grizzly bear, Ursus arctos horribilis; common bearberry, Arctostaphylos | arctos – All pages with titles beginning with Arcto |
arena | L | sand | sand iris, Iris arenaria; sand rock-cress, Arabidopsis arenosa; sand seatrout, Cynoscion arenarius; sand-dusted cone, Conus arenatus | arenarius – arenaria – arenarium – arenatus – arenata – arenosa |
arenicolus | L | sand-dwelling | dunes sagebrush lizard, Sceloporus arenicolus; sand goldenrod, Solidago arenicola; sanddwelling dewberry, Rubus arenicola; sandy stargazer, Gillellus arenicola | arenicolus – arenicola |
argentatus | L | silvery | herring gull, Larus argentatus | argentatus – argentata – argentatum |
argenteus | L | silvery | silver buffaloberry, Shepherdia argentea; silver tree, Leucadendron argenteum; silvery lupine, Lupinus argenteus;white mulberry, Pipturus argenteus | argenteus – argentea – argenteum |
argentum | L | silver | sea snail, Calliostoma argentum | argentum |
aromatica | G ἄρωμα (árōma) | aromatic | clove nutmeg, Ravensara aromatica; Croton aromaticus; clove, Syzygium aromaticum | aromaticus – aromatica – aromaticum |
arthro- | G ἄρθρον (árthron) | joint | Arthropoda | All pages with titles beginning with Arthro |
arvensis | L | in the field | skylark, Alauda arvensis; field horsetail, Equisetum arvense | arvensis – arvense |
asiatica | L | Asian | white-winged dove, Zenaida asiatica; Caspian plover, Charadrius asiaticus, Persian buttercup, Ranunculus asiaticus | asiatica – asiaticus |
astro-, astero- | G ἄστρον (ástron) | star | starfish (class), Asteroidea | All pages with titles beginning with Astero – All pages with titles beginning with Astro |
ater | L | dull black | common chuckwalla, Sauromalus ater; Eurasian coot, Fulica atra; black swan, Cygnus atratus; black yarrow, Achillea atrata; creek chub, Semotilus atromaculatus see also niger | ater – atra – atrum – atratus – atrata – atratum |
atropurpureus | L | deep purple, blackish-purple | Acer palmatum 'Atropurpureum'; Berberis thunbergii f. atropurpurea; the purple-flowered cotoneaster, Cotoneaster atropurpureus | atropurpureus – atropurpurea – atropurpureum |
aurantius, aurantiacus | L | orange-colored | bitter orange, Citrus aurantium | aurantius – aurantia – aurantium; aurantiacus – aurantiaca – aurantiacum |
aureus | L | golden | golden jackal, Canis aureus; Staphylococcus aureus (bacteria) see also chrysos | aureus – aurea – aureum |
australis | L | southern | southern right whale, Eubalaena australis | australis – australe |
Latin/Greek | Language | English | Examples | Search for titles containing the word or using the prefix: |
baccatus | L | berry-bearing | common yew, Taxus baccata; Conus baccatus, a sea snail | baccatus - baccata - baccatum |
barbatus | L barba | bearded | bearded catasetum, Catasetum barbatum; bearded seal, Erignathus barbatus; black-chinned siskin, Spinus barbata; Bornean bearded pig, Sus barbatus; golden-beard penstemon, Penstemon barbatus | barbatus – barbata – barbatum |
bicolor | L | two-colored | bicolor angelfish, Centropyge bicolor; bicolor cleanerfish, Labroides bicolor; bicolored moth, Manulea bicolor | bicolor |
bicoloratus | L | two-colored | bicolored angle, Macaria bicolorata; Kenya two-headed snake, Micrelaps bicoloratus; orchid, Bulbophyllum bicoloratum | bicoloratus – bicolorata – bicoloratum |
bicornis | L | bicorne | black rhinoceros, Diceros bicornis | bicornis |
bios | G βίος (bíos) | life | amphibian; biota, all living things | bios |
blandus | L | pleasant, smooth, alluring | Greek windflower, Anemone blanda; Mallos blandus, a spider | blandus - blanda - blandum |
borealis | L | northern | northern right whale dolphin, Lissodelphis borealis | borealis - boreale |
brachion | G βραχίων (brakhíōn) | arm | Przewalski's gerbil, Brachiones przewalskii; Brachiopoda (phylum); Brachiosaurus | All pages with titles beginning with Brachio |
brasiliensis | L | Brazilian | Brazilian brown batEptesicus brasiliensis | All pages with titles containing Brasiliensis |
brachy- | G βραχύς (brakhús) | short | Brazilian gold frog, Brachycephalus didactylus | All pages with titles beginning with Brachy |
brachyphyllus | G | short-leaved | extinct plant genus, Brachyphyllum; flower, Colchicum brachyphyllum; leaf-nosed bats, Brachyphylla; shortleaf baccharis, Baccharis brachyphylla; see also brevifolius | brachyphyllus – brachyphylla – brachyphyllum |
brady- | G βραδύς (bradús) | slow | pygmy three-toed sloth, Bradypus pygmaeus | All pages with titles beginning with Brady |
branchia | G βράγχιον (bránkhion) | gills | Lamellibranchia (class, syn. Bivalva); Branchiopoda (class, brine shrimps) | All pages with titles beginning with Branchi |
brasiliensis | L | from Brazil | Brazilian marsh rat, Holochilus brasiliensis; Brazilian stick mantis, Brunneria brasiliensis; rubber tree, Hevea brasiliensis | brasiliensis – brasiliense |
brevi- | L brevis | short | silvery-cheeked hornbill, Ceratogymna brevis | brevis - breve - All pages with titles beginning with Brevi |
brevicaudatus | L | short-tailed | bearded leaf chameleon, Rieppeleon brevicaudatus; sea snail, Lophiotoma brevicaudata; short-tailed ceratosoma, Ceratosoma brevicaudatum | brevicaudatus – brevicaudata – brevicaudatum |
brevicollis | L | short-necked | short-necked oil beetle, Meloe brevicollis | brevicollis – brevicolle |
brevifolius | L | short-leaved | Joshua tree, Yucca brevifolia; short-leaved dudleya, Dudleya blochmaniae subsp. brevifolia; shortleaf sneezeweed, Helenium brevifolium; zig-zag bog-rush, Schoenus brevifolius; see also brachyphyllus | brevifolius – brevifolia – brevifolium |
brevirostris | L | short beak | pignosed arrowtooth eel, Dysomma brevirostre; shortnose ponyfish, Leiognathus brevirostris | brevirostris – brevirostre |
bulbus | G βολβός | bulb | bulbous buttercup, Ranunculus bulbosus; onion cone, Conus bulbus | bulbus – bulbosus – bulbosa |
Latin/Greek | Language | English | Examples | Search for titles containing the word or using the prefix: |
caecus | L | blind | blind mole, Talpa caeca; northern eyed hawkmoth, Smerinthus caecus | caecus - caeca - caecum |
caeruleus | L | blue | blue tit, Cyanistes caeruleus; blue passion flower, Passiflora caerulea | caeruleus - caerulea - caeruleum |
Californicus | L | California | California blue dorid, Felimare californiensis | californicus - californica - californiensis |
callosus | L | calloused | large vesper mouse, Calomys callosus; tree fern, Cyathea callosa; orchid, Paphiopedilum callosum | callosus - callosa - callosum |
canadensis | L | from Canada | bighorn sheep, Ovis canadensis | canadensis - canadense |
candidus | L | brightly white, shining white | Madonna lily, Lilium candidum | candidus - candida - candidum |
canescens | L | turning grey- or white-haired | Geraea canescens (desert sunflower); Atriplex canescens | canescens |
canis | L | dog | coyote, Canis latrans; Dipylidium caninum (a tapeworm) | canis - caninus - canina - caninum |
canus | L | gray (haired), pale gray | grey-headed woodpecker, Picus canus; woolly groundsel, Senecio canus | canus - cana - canum |
caprae | L | of a goat | Staphylococcus caprae | caprae - capri |
cauda | L | tail | long-tailed tit, Aegithalos caudatus; thintail skate, Dipturus leptocaudus; northern short-tailed shrew, Blarina brevicauda | |
caulos | G καυλός (kaulós) | stem, stalk | stemless gentian, Gentiana acaulis | acaulis - acaule |
cephalo- | G κεφαλή (kephalḗ) | head | Mediterranean gull, Larus melanocephalus; blue-spotted grouper, Cephalopholis argus | All pages with titles beginning with Cephal |
-ceps | L caput | head | pygmy sperm whale, Kogia breviceps; biceps (two-headed muscle) | |
ceros | L cornū G κέρας (kéras) | horn | narwal, Monodon monoceros; rhinoceros (nose horn) | |
cest | L cestus G κεστός (kestós) | girdle, belt, stitched | Cestoda | All pages with titles beginning with Cest |
chaetes | G χαίτη (khaítē) | flowing hair, or mane | wildebeest, Connochaetes gnou | |
chilensis | L | from Chile | paradise tanager, Tangara chilensis | chilensis - chilense |
chinensis | L | from China | China rose, Rosa chinensis; Chinese onion, Allium chinense; Chinese sumac, Rhus chinensis; see also Sinense, below | chinensis – chinense |
chloro- | G χλωρός (khlōrós) | pale green | common moorhen, Gallinula chloropus | All pages with titles beginning with Chloro |
chordatus | L | spined | chordates; Stylephorus chordatus, Tinospora cordifolia | chordatus – chordata – chordatum |
chroma | G χρῶμα (khrôma) | color | clown loach, Chromobotia macracanthus | All pages with titles beginning with Chrom |
chrysos | G χρυσός (khrusós) | gold | Chrysochloridae (golden moles); golden pheasant, Chrysolophus pictus; maned wolf, Chrysocyon brachyurus see also aureus | All pages with titles beginning with Chryso |
chrysophyllus | G | gold-leaved | golden chinquapin, Chrysolepis chrysophylla; golden-leaved Jerusalem sage, Phlomis chrysophylla; satinleaf, Chrysophyllum oliviforme | chrysophyllus – chrysophylla – chrysophyllum |
cilium | L | eyelash | Ashland thistle, Cirsium ciliolatum; bristleworm, Polydora ciliata; eyelash gecko, Correlophus ciliatus; queen angelfish, Holacanthus ciliaris; Australian red cedar, Toona ciliata; sickle-leaved cymodocea, Thalassodendron ciliatum | ciliaris – ciliare – ciliatus – ciliata – ciliatum – ciliolatum |
cinereus | L | ash, ash-colored | masked shrew, Sorex cinereus; Australian sea lion, Neophoca cinerea; gray thrasher, Toxostoma cinereum; common gray fox, Urocyon cinereoargenteus | cinereus – cinerea – cinereum |
cirrhus | G κιρρός (kirrhós) | orange | fringe-lipped bat, Trachops cirrhosus; mrigal carp, Cirrhinus cirrhosus; silverspotted sculpin, Blepsias cirrhosus | cirrhosus – cirrhosa – cirrhosum |
citri | L | citrus | the citrus blossom moth, Prays citri | citri |
cneme | G κνήμη (knḗmē) | shin, leg | white-legged damselfly, Platycnemis pennipes | |
-cola | L colō | dweller | Eurasian woodcock, Scolopax rusticola; northern chequered skipper, Carterocephalus silvicola; paddyfield warbler, Acrocephalus agricola; rock thrushes, Monticola sp. | |
concolor | L | having uniform color throughout | Cougar, Puma concolor; White Fir, Abies concolor | |
conno- | G κόννος (kónnos) | beard | wildebeest, Connochaetes gnou | All pages with titles beginning with Conno |
corax | L corvus G κόραξ (kórax) | crow, raven | common raven, Corvus corax | corax |
cordatus | L | heart-shaped | cordate (leaf shape); small-leaved lime, Tilia cordata; sea potato, Echinocardium cordatum | cordatus – cordata – cordatum |
cordifolius | L | heart-shaped leaves | heartleaf aster, Symphyotrichum cordifolium; heart-leaved moonseed, Tinospora cordifolia; Tucson bur ragweed, Ambrosia cordifolia | cordifolius – cordifolia – cordifolium |
cornu | L cornū | horn | garden snail, Cornu aspersum; great ramshorn, Planorbarius corneus | All pages with titles beginning with Cornu |
coronatus | L | crowned | crowned lemur, Eulemur coronatus; crowned turban shell, Lunella coronata | coronatus – coronata – coronatum |
costatus | L | ribbed | ribbed slipper shell, Maoricrypta costata; striped Raphael catfish, Platydoras costatus | costatus – costata – costatum |
crassus | L | thick, fat | creeping blueberry, Vaccinium crassifolium; inflated spiny crab, Rochinia crassa; mouthless crab, Cardisoma crassum | crassus – crassa – crassum |
cristatus | L | crested | aardwolf, Proteles cristatus; blue jay, Cyanocitta cristata; crested wheatgrass, Agropyron cristatum | cristatus – cristata – cristatum |
crocos | G κρόκος (krókos) | yellow | bicoloured white-toothed shrew, Crocidura leucodon; saffron, Crocus sativus; spotted hyena, Crocuta crocuta | All pages with titles beginning with croc |
crypto- | G κρυπτός (kruptós) | hidden | Cryptococcus; Cryptosporidium | All pages with titles beginning with Crypto |
curvirostris | L | curved beak | boxer snipe eel, Nemichthys curvirostris; curve-billed thrasher, Toxostoma curvirostre | curvirostris – curvirostre |
cyano- | G κυανός (kuanós) | blue-green | azure-winged magpie, Cyanopica cyanus; big blue octopus, Octopus cyanea; blue orchid, Aganisia cyanea | All pages with titles beginning with Cyano – cyaneus – cyanea – cyaneum |
Latin/Greek | Language | English | Example | Search for titles containing the word or using the prefix: |
dactyl-, dactylo- | G δάκτυλος (dáktulos) | finger or toe | black-legged kittiwake, Rissa tridactyla; Pterodactylus | All pages with titles beginning with Dactyl |
deca-, deka- | G δέκα (déka) | ten | alfonsino, Beryx decadactylus | All pages with titles beginning with Deca |
decem | L | ten | Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata | |
delphis | G δελφύς (delphús) | womb | Didelphis virginiana | |
derma | G δέρμα (dérma) | skin | yellow staining mushroom, Agaricus xanthodermus | All pages with titles beginning with Derm |
di- | G δι- (di-) | two | Christmas orchid, Dipodium punctatum | Too common a letter combination for any useful search |
diffusus | L diffundere | diffuse | diffuse spineflower, Chorizanthe diffusa; fly, Paralimnophila diffusior; rush, Juncus diffusissimus; spreading groundsmoke, Gayophytum diffusum; spreading lupine, Lupinus diffusus; spreading phlox, Phlox diffusa | diffusus – diffusa – diffusum – diffusior – diffusissimus |
digitatus | L | having fingers | finger rushJuncus digitatus; baobab, Adansonia digitata; dead man's fingers, Alcyonium digitatum | digitatus - digitata - digitatum |
dilatatus | L | dilated, extended | dallisgrass, Paspalum dilatatum; Maianthemum dilatatum | dilatatus - dilatata - dilatatum |
dioica | L | dioicous | common nettle, Urtica dioica | dioica |
dino-, deino- | G δεινός (deinós) | terrible | dinosaur, Deinotherium | All pages with titles beginning with Dino |
diplo- | G διπλός (diplós) | double | two-eyed orange spider, Diploglena capensis | All pages with titles beginning with Diplo |
disc, disk | G δίσκος (dískos) | disc | common fungus moth, Metalectra discalis | All pages with titles beginning with Disc - discalis - discale |
dodeca- | G δώδεκα (dṓdeka) | twelve | Henderson's shootingstar, Dodecatheon hendersonii | All pages with titles beginning with Dodeca |
dolicho- | G δολιχός (dolikhós) | elongated, long | knight anole, Anolis dolichocephalus | All pages with titles beginning with Dolicho |
domesticus | L | of the house or domestic | domestic pig, Sus scrofa domestica; house sparrow, Passer domesticus | domesticus - domestica - domesticum |
dorsum | L | back | back-striped weasel, Mustela strigidorsa | All pages with titles beginning with Dors |
dubius | L | doubtful | see also nomina dubia | dubius – dubia |
dulcis | L | sweet | almond, Prunus dulcis | dulcis – dulce |
Latin/Greek | Language | English | Example | Search for titles containing the word or using the prefix: |
eburneus | L eburneus | ivory-colored | ivory gull, Pagophila eburnea | eburneus - eburnea - eburneum |
echinatus | L | prickly, spiny | Edisto crayfish, Procambarus echinatus; shortleaf pine, Pinus echinata | echinatus - echinata - echinatum |
echino- | L echīnus G ἐχῖνος (ekhînos) | hedgehog, sea-urchin | great globe thistle, Echinops sphaerocephalus; diadema urchin, Echinothrix diadema; San Pedro cactus, Echinopsis pachanoi | All pages with titles beginning with Echino |
edulis | L | edible | common cockle, Cerastoderma edule; king bolete, Boletus edulis; oyster, Ostrea edulis; passion fruit, Passiflora edulis | edulis - edule |
elatior | L | taller | true oxlip, Primula elatior | elatior |
electro- | G ἤλεκτρον (ḗlektron) | amber, amber-colored or electric (modern usage) | broad-billed motmot, Electron platyrhynchum; electric eel, Electrophorus electricus | No simple way to distinguish biological from other uses |
elegans | L | elegant | crimson rosella, Platycercus elegans ; Granastyochus elegantissimus; Iris iberica subsp. elegantissima; false aralia, Plerandra elegantissima; Caecum elegantissimum | elegans - elegantissimus - elegantissima - elegantissimum |
emarginatus | L | having no edges | Phongolo suckermouth, Chiloglanis emarginatus; Gibraltar sea lavender, Limonium emarginatum; acerola, Malpighia emarginata; bitter cherry, Prunus emarginata | emarginatus - emarginata - emarginatum |
enanti- | G ἐναντίος (enantíos) | opposite, against | Enantiornithes | All pages with titles beginning with Enantio |
ennea- | G ἐννέα (ennéa) | nine | banded sunfishEnneacanthus obesus; scurvy-grass sorrel, Oxalis enneaphylla | All pages with titles beginning with Ennea |
ensatus | L | sword-like | California giant salamander, Dicamptodon ensatus | ensatus - ensata - ensatum |
ensis, ensi- | L | sword, lance | jackknife clam, Ensis minor; swordleaf rush, Juncus ensifolius | All pages with titles beginning with Ensi - ensiformis |
-ensis | L | of, from (a place) | Tadarida brasiliensis (Brazilian free-tailed bat); Lucy, Australopithecus afarensis | |
erectus | L | upright | Homo erectus ('upright man'); upright chickweed, Moenchia erecta | erectus - erecta - erectum |
erio- | G ἔριον (érion) | wool, woolly | common cottongrass, Eriophorum angustifolium | All pages with titles beginning with Erio |
erosus | L | indented, jagged, serrated | jícama, Pachyrhizus erosus; serrated hinge-back tortoise, Kinixys erosa | erosus - erosa - erosum |
erythro- | G ἐρυθρός (eruthrós) | red[1] | spotted redshank, Tringa erythropus; dog's-tooth violet, Erythronium dens-canis | All pages with titles beginning with Erythro |
esculentus | L | edible | edible frog, Pelophylax kl. esculentus; Gyromitra esculenta | esculentusesculentaesculentum |
europaeus | L | European | European hedgehog, Erinaceus europaeus; European owl moth, Brahmaea europaea | europaeus – europaea – europaeum |
excelsus | L | exalted | African teak, Milicia excelsa; excelsior cone, Conus excelsus | excelsus – excelsa – excelsum |
Latin/Greek | Language | English | Examples | Search for titles containing the word or using the prefix: |
fallax | L | false | false swift, Borbo fallax; green marvel, Acronicta fallax | fallax |
falx | L | sickle | sickle milkvetch, Astragalus falcatus; sickle-leaved hare's-ear, Bupleurum falcatum; sicklethorn, Asparagus falcatus; wild pear, Persoonia falcata | falcatus – falcata – falcatum – falciformis – falx |
familiaris | L | domestic, common, familiar | dog, Canis lupus familiaris | |
felis | L | cat | black-footed cat, Felis nigripes; cat flea, Ctenocephalides felis | |
felinus | L | cat-like, feline | cat gecko, Aeluroscalabotes felinus; marine otter, Lontra felina | felinus – felina – felinum |
-fer | L | -bearing | western honey bee, Apis mellifera; coconut, Cocos nucifera | |
ferus | L | wild | wild horse, Equus ferus; wild Bactrian camel, Camelus ferus | ferus – fera – ferum |
ferrugo | L | rust | ferruginous swift, Borbo ferruginea; reddish-brown corky spine fungus, Hydnellum ferrugineum; rusty bloodwood, Corymbia ferruginea; rusty parrotfish, Scarus ferrugineus; rusty pitohui, Pseudorectes ferrugineus | ferrugineus – ferruginea – ferrugineum |
filum | L | thread | desert fan palm, Washingtonia filifera; thread fern, Blechnum filiforme; thread-leaved sundew, Drosera filiformis | filifer – filifera – filiformis – filiforme |
flavus | L | golden yellow, light yellow | yellow pitcher plant, Sarracenia flava; yellow-necked mouse, Apodemus flavicollis | flavus – flava – flavum |
floridus | L | flowery | blue palo verde, Parkinsonia florida; floral banded wobbegong, Orectolobus floridus | floridus – floridum |
flor- | L flos | flower | southern magnolia, Magnolia grandiflora; great white trillium, Trillium grandiflorum | All pages with titles beginning with flori |
fodiens | L fodere | digging | burying beetle, Nicrophorus defodiens; burying beetle, Nicrophorus infodiens; Eurasian water shrew, Neomys fodiens; lowland burrowing tree frog, Smilisca fodiens | |
folium | L | leaf | American beech, Fagus grandifolia; broad-leaved sermountain, Laserpitium latifolium; Chinese elm, Ulmus parvifolia; Joshua tree, Yucca brevifolia; upright snottygobble, Persoonia longifolia | |
fragilis | L frangere | breakable | brittle bladder-fern, Cystopteris fragilis; brittle willow, Salix fragilis; candy cap, Lactarius fragilis; Dientamoeba fragilis; dead man's fingers, Codium fragile; fragile wart frog, Limnonectes fragilis | fragilis |
fuligo | L | soot | jet black ant, Lasius fuliginosus; ruby tiger, Phragmatobia fuliginosa; sooty hairstreak, Satyrium fuliginosum; sooty milkcap, Lactarius fuliginosus | fuliginosus – fuliginosa – fuliginosum |
fulvus | L | deep yellow, tawny | Pacific golden plover, Pluvialis fulva; sulphur leather coral, Rhytisma fulvum; tawny grisette, Amanita fulva; yellow ground squirrel, Spermophilus fulvus | fulvus – fulva – fulvum |
furcatus | L | forked | forked viburnum, Viburnum furcatum; forked wormwood, Artemisia furcata; swallow-tailed gull, Creagrus furcatus | furcatus – furcata – furcatum |
fuscus | L | dark, dark brown | dusky hopping mouse, Notomys fuscus; dusky pitcher-plant, Nepenthes fusca; rusty peat moss, Sphagnum fuscum; sooty tern, Sterna fuscata | fuscus – fusca – fuscum |
Latin/Greek | Language | English | Examples | Search for titles containing the word or using the prefix: |
gala, galum | G γάλα (gála) | milk | soap plants, Chlorogalum | |
gaster, gastro-, gastr- | L gaster G γαστήρ (gastḗr) | belly | common fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster; Gastropoda | |
geo- | G γαῖα, γῆ (gê) | Earth | Conus geographus, geography cone; Geotrichum | |
giganteus | L giganteus | giant | Chorus giganteus (a sea snail); Aldabra giant tortoise, Aldabrachelys gigantea | giganteus – gigantea – giganteum |
glaber | L glaber | smooth; hairless[2] | naked mole-rat, Heterocephalus glaber; smooth sumac, Rhus glabra; Omphiscola glabra (a snail) | glaber – glabra – glabrum |
glandulosus | L | having kernels | Tasmanian laurel, Anopterus glandulosus, Basilan Island caecilian, Ichthyophis glandulosus; honey mesquite, Prosopis glandulosa, warty jumping-slug, Hemphillia glandulosa; the skunk currant, Ribes glandulosum, | glandulosus – glandulosa – glandulosum |
glaucus | L glaucus G γλαυκός (glaukós) | blue-green, blue-gray, gleaming | silvery blue butterfly, Lepidochrysops glauca; Glaucidae, nudibranch family | glaucus – glauca – glaucum |
glutinosus | L glutinosus | sticky | common alder, Alnus glutinosa; viscid black earth tongue, Glutinoglossum glutinosum; northern slimy salamander, Plethodon glutinosus | glutinosus – glutinosa – glutinosum |
glyco-, glycy-, glyc- | G γλυκύς (glukús) | sweet | liquorice, Glycyrrhiza glabra; soybean, Glycine max | |
gracilis, gracile | L | slender, graceful | western spotted skunk, Spilogale gracilis; slough darter, Etheostoma gracile; Gracilisuchus | gracilis – gracile |
gracilipes | L grăcĭlĭpes[3] | slender-footed | slender frog, Austrochaperina gracilipes; slender-legged bushfrog, Gracixalus gracilipes; slenderstalk monkeyflower, Mimulus gracilipes; slimfoot century plant, Agave gracilipes | gracilipes |
graniticus | L | granite | granite claw flower, Calothamnus graniticus; granite poverty bush, Eremophila granitica; granite serpentweed, Tonestus graniticus | graniticus – granitica – graniticum |
graveolens | L gravis | strong-smelling | common rue, Ruta graveolens; lippia, Lippia graveolens | graveolens |
gyrino-, gyrinus | G γυρῖνος (gurînos) | tadpole | spring salamander, Gyrinophilus porphyriticus; e.g. Crassigyrinus, Proterogyrinus |
Latin/Greek | Language | English | Examples | Search for titles containing the word or using the prefix: |
haema-, hema- | G αἷμα (haîma) | blood | Haemosporida; Bacteria sp., Haemophilus influenzae | |
hali-, halio- | G ἅλς (háls) | of the sea, salt | sea eagle, Haliaeetus pelagicus; grey seal, Halichoerus grypus; black abalone, Haliotis cracherodii | |
haplo- | G ἁπλόος (haplóos) | simple, single | mountain beaver, Aplodontia rufa; Mongolosaurus haplodon | |
hedra- | G ἕδρα (hédra) | seat, facet | Chinese ephedra, Ephedra sinica | |
helio- | G ἥλιος (hḗlios) | sun | sunflower, Helianthus annuus; sun spurge, Euphorbia helioscopia | |
hemisphaerica | G | Half-sphere | sand laurel oak, Quercus hemisphaerica, sulphur rose, Rosa hemisphaerica | Hemisphaerica |
hetero- | G | diversely or different | melancholy thistle, Cirsium heterophyllum, Leucanthemum heterophyllum, Smith's cress, Lepidium heterophyllum | heterophyllum |
hexa- | G ἕξ (héx) | six | water primrose, Ludwigia hexapetala | |
hibridus | L | hybrid | butterbur, Petasites hybridus, brown spider monkey, Ateles hybridus; kelp goose, Chloephaga hybrida; alsike clover, Trifolium hybridum; | hibridus - hybridus - hibrida - hybrida - hibridum - hybridum |
hippo- | G ἵππος (híppos) | horse | seahorse, Hippocampus; lesser horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus hipposideros | |
hirsutus | L | hairy | hairy bittercress, Cardamine hirsuta; hairy fruit-eating bat, Artibeus hirsutus; hairy St John's-wort, Hypericum hirsutum | hirsutus - hirsuta – hirsutum |
homo | L | human, man | modern human, Homo sapiens; Neanderthal, Homo neanderthalensis | |
hortensis | L hortus | from the garden | broad-leaved anemone, Anemone hortensis; garden orache, Atriplex hortensis; Mexican longwing, Heliconius hortense; Orphean warbler, Sylvia hortensis | hortensis – hortense |
hydro- | G ὕδωρ, ὑδρο- (húdōr, hudro-) | water | Chinese water deer, Hydropotes inermis; capybara, Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris | |
hyper- | G ὑπέρ (hupér) | over, above | St John's wort, Hypericum perforatum | |
hypo-, hyp- | G ὑπό (hupó) | under, beneath | zebra pleco catfish, Hypancistrus zebra; common cat's-ear, Hypochaeris radicata |
Latin/Greek | Language | English | Examples | Search for titles containing the word or using the prefix: |
imbricatus | L | tiled | Mountain owl's-clover, Orthocarpus imbricatus | imbricatus – imbricata – imbricatum |
indicus | L | Indian | Malaysian tapir, Tapirus indicus | indicus – indica – indicum |
inaequalis | L | unequal | variable ladybird, Coelophora inaequalis | inaequalis – inaequale |
inedulis | L | inedible | fungus, Caloboletus inedulis | inedulis – inedule |
ingratus | L | offensive | See Ingrata | ingrata – ingratus – ingratum |
innotatus | L | unmarked | unmarked dagger moth, Acronicta innotata | innotata |
irregularis | L | unusual or irregular | variable burrowing asp, Atractaspis irregularis; viper's bugloss, Hadena irregularis | irregularis – irregulare |
japonicus | L | Japanese | food wrapper plant, Mallotus japonicus; Japanese pagoda tree, Styphnolobium japonicum; Japanese spiraea, Spiraea japonica; see also nipponensis | japonicus – japonica – japonicum |
kentuckiensis | L | from Kentucky | Kentucky lady's slipper, Cypripedium kentuckiense; Kentucky lichen moth, Cisthene kentuckiensis | kentuckiensis – kentuckiense |
Latin/Greek | Language | English | Examples | Search for titles containing the word or using the prefix: |
lact- | L lac | milk, sap, milky white | Chinese peony, Paeonia lactiflora; milk-caps, Lactifluus; Lactophrys; Aspalathus lactea | |
laevis | L | smooth | red-eyed assassin bug, Platymeris laevicollis; smooth bedstraw, Cruciata laevipes | All pages with titles containing Laevis |
lagus | G λαγώς (lagṓs) | hare | European rabbit, Oryctolagus cuniculus; viscachas, Lagidium spp. | |
lancea | L | lance | sculptured seamoth, Pegasus lancifer; swamp lousewort, Pedicularis lanceolata | |
lateralis | L | side | black-flanked rock-wallaby, Petrogale lateralis | |
latus | L | flank; broad | horse-eye jack, Caranx latus; wideleaf waterparsnip, Sium latifolium; wych elm, Ulmus glabra 'Latifolia Aurea' | |
lepis, lepido- | G λεπίς (lepís) | scale, rind, husk, flake | large-scale mullet, Liza macrolepis; Lepidoptera | |
lepto-, lepti- | G λεπτός (leptós) | light | Leptictidium auderiense, Leptospira kirschneri | |
lepus | L | hare | black-tailed jackrabbit, Lepus californicus | |
leuco-, leuc- | G λευκός (leukós) | white | white-winged tern, Chlidonias leucopterus | |
leucocephalus | G | white-headed | bald eagle, Haliaeetus leucocephalus; white-crowned pigeon, Patagioenas leucocephala; white-headed marsh tyrant, Arundinicola leucocephala; white-headed stilt, Himantopus leucocephalus; also see albiceps | leucocephalus – leucocephala – leucocephalum |
leucodon | G | white-toothed | bicolored shrew, Crocidura leucodon; lesser mole-rat, Spalax leucodon; white-toothed cowry, Cypraea leucodon; white-toothed woodrat, Neotoma leucodon; also see albidens | leucodon |
leucurus | G | white-tailed | white-tailed ptarmigan, Lagopus leucura; white-tailed robin, Cinclidium leucurum; white-tailed stonechat, Saxicola leucurus | leucurus – leucura – leucurum |
limosus | L | muddy | limosa harlequin frog, Atelopus limosus; mud amnicola, Amnicola limosus | limosus – limosa – limosum |
lineatus | L | lined or striped | thirteen-lined ground squirrel, Ictidomys tridecemlineatus; Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata | |
lobos | L lobus G λοβός (lobós) | lobe | three-lobe buttercup, Ranunculus trilobus | |
longi- | L longus | long | frog shark, Somniosus longus, galingale, Cyperus longus; Turmeric, Curcuma longa; Long pepper, Piper longum, | longus – longa – longum –All pages with titles beginning with longi |
longicaudatus | L | long-tailed | long-tailed pygmy rice rat, Oligoryzomys longicaudatus; longtail catfish; Olyra longicaudata; longtail tadpole shrimpTriops longicaudatus | longicaudatus – longicaudata – longicaudatum |
longicollis | L | long-necked | eastern long-necked turtle, Chelodina longicollis | longicollis – longicolle |
longifolius | L | long-leaved | long-leaf persoonia, Persoonia longifolia; long-leaf wild buckwheat, Eriogonum longifolium; long-leaved butterwort, Pinguicula longifolia; longleaf bush lupine, Lupinus longifolius; longleaf sunflower, Helianthus longifolius | longifolius – longifolia – longifolium |
longirostris | L | long beak | longbeak buttercup, Ranunculus longirostris; longsnout blacksmelt, Dolicholagus longirostris | longirostris – longirostre |
luctuosus | L | sorrowful, mournful | forget-me-not bug, Sehirus luctuosus; white-shouldered tanager, Tachyphonus luctuosus; four-spotted moth, Tyta luctuosa | luctuosus – luctuosa – luctuosum |
luteus | L | yellow, saffron-colored | yellow mariposa lily, Calochortus luteus; yellow vetch, Vicia lutea; red-billed leiothrix, Leiothrix lutea | luteus – lutea – luteum |
Basic Greek Lessons Pdf
Latin/Greek | Language | English | Examples | Search for titles containing the word or using the prefix: |
macro- | G μακρός (makrós) | long, large | big-headed mole rat, Tachyoryctes macrocephalus; rock onion, Allium macrum; sea snail, Turbonilla macra | macra – macrum |
macroura | G | long-tailed | hooded skunk, Mephitis macroura | macroura |
maculatus | L | spotted | tiger quoll, Dasyurus maculatus; spotted sandpiper, Actitis macularius | maculatus - maculata - maculatum |
Madagascariensis | L | from Madagascar | Madagascar day gecko, Phelsuma madagascariensis madagascariensis; Malagasy ground boa, Acrantophis madagascariensis; Malagasy tree boa, Sanzinia madagascariensis; Madagascar fruit-bat argasid, Ornithodoros madagascariensis | madagascariensis |
magnus | L | great, large | streaked spiderhunter, Arachnothera magna | magnus – magna – magnum |
major | L | greater | great tit, Parus major | |
malabaricus | L | from Malabar | chestnut-tailed starling, Sturnus malabaricus | |
marginatus | L | bordered | gold edge Japanese euonymus, Euonymus japonicus 'Aureomarginatus' ; marginated tortoise, Testudo marginata | marginatus - marginata - marginatum |
maritima | L | of the sea | sea beet, Beta vulgaris subsp. maritima; samphire, Crithmum maritimum, sea holly, Eryngium maritimum; polar bear, Ursus maritimus, sea rush, Juncus maritimus, | maritima – maritimum – maritimus |
mauro- | G μαυρός (maurós) | dark, black | dark shrew, Crocidura maurisca | |
maximus | L | largest | royal tern, Sterna maxima | |
mega- | G μέγας (mégas) | large, great | megalodon shark, Carcharodon megalodon | |
megacephalus | G | big-headed | Andriyashev large-headed sculpin, Andriashevicottus megacephalus; big-head rush, Juncus megacephalus; big-headed ant, Pheidole megacephala; big-headed tiger beetle, Megacephala megacephala; coastal plain hawkweed, Hieracium megacephalum; large-headed rice rat, Hylaeamys megacephalus | megacephalus – megacephala – megacephalum |
mel | L | honey | black sage, Salvia mellifera; Nephelium melliferum; western honey bee, Apis mellifera | |
melano- | G μελανός (melanós) | black | black-browed albatross, Thalassarche melanophris | melanus – melana |
melanocephalus | G | black-headed | black-headed fleabane, Erigeron melanocephalus; black-headed snake, Tantilla melanocephala; ghost ant, Tapinoma melanocephalum | melanocephalus – melanocephala – melanocephalum |
melanophyllus | G | black-leaved | Melanophylla; Melanophyllum | melanophyllus – melanophylla – melanophyllum |
melanops | G | black-eyed, black-faced | black-eyed blue, Glaucopsyche melanops; black-fronted dotterel, Elseyornis melanops; gray spiny mouse, Scolomys melanops | melanops |
mephitis | L | bad odor | striped skunk, Mephitis mephitis; yellow-pigmented bacteria, Luteimonas mephitis | |
micro- | G μικρός (mikrós) | small | littleleaf pussytoes, Antennaria microphylla | |
microphyllus | G | small-leaved | baby sage, Salvia microphylla; boxleaf azara, Azara microphylla; littleleaf box, Buxus microphylla; littleleaf mock-orange, Philadelphus microphyllus; small-leaf climbing fern, Lygodium microphyllum | microphyllus – microphylla – microphyllum |
minimus | L | smallest | least flycatcher, Empidonax minimus | |
minor | L | smaller | great frigatebird, Fregata minor | |
minuta | L | small | dwarf waterclover, Marsilea minuta, little cuckoo, Coccycua minuta; little gull, Hydrocoloeus minutus, harvest mouse, Micromys minutus; little willowherb, Epilobium minutum, | minuta - minutus - minutum |
monile | L | necklace | Conus monilifer | |
mono- | G μόνος (mónos) | single | Swinhoe's storm-petrel, Oceanodroma monorhis; Monotreme | |
monoica | L | monoicous | the sandpaper saucer-berry, Cordia monoica | monoica |
monospermus | L | Having a single sperm cell | one-seed juniperJuniperus monosperma | monospermus - monosperma - monospermum |
monspeliensis | L | from Montpellier | Montpellier cistus, Cistus monspeliensis | monspeliensis - monspessulanus - monspessulana - monspessulanum |
montanus | L mons | of the mountains | mountain bottlebrush, Melaleuca montana; mountain mahogany, Cercocarpus montanus; mountain thistle, Acanthus montanus; tree sparrow, Passer montanus | montanus |
morpho- | G μορφή (morphḗ) | shape | Menelaus blue morpho, Morpho menelaus | |
mus, mys | L mūs G μῦς (mûs) | mouse | house mouse, Mus musculus; as rodent, e.g. Phoberomys, Telicomys | |
mulgere | G | to milk | Nightjar, Caprimulgus europaeus | Caprimulgus |
muralis | L | growing on the wall | annual wall-rocketDiplotaxis muralis, cushion baby's-breathGypsophila muralis |
Latin/Greek | Language | English | Examples | Search for titles containing the word or using the prefix: |
nanos | G νᾶνος (nânos) L nanus | dwarf | brown-capped woodpecker, Dendrocopos nanus; dwarf birch, Betula nana; dwarf shrew, Sorex nanus | nanus |
niger, nigr- | L | black | black skimmer, Rhrychops niger; black pine, Pinus nigra; black softshell turtle, Nilssonia nigricans; black-footed albatross, Phoebastria nigripes; black-spined Atlantic tree-rat, Phyllomys nigrispinus See also: ater | nigra - nigras - nigrus - nigrum - nigrescens |
nipponensis | L | from Japan | freshwater shrimp, Macrobrachium nipponense; Japanese bobtail squid, Sepiolina nipponensis See also: japonicus | nipponensis – nipponense |
nitidus | L nitere | shining | Baja cape kingsnake, Lampropeltis getula nitida; Mauritius blue pigeon, Alectroenas nitidissima; shining pea clam, Pisidium nitidum; shining tree iguana, Liolaemus nitidus | nitidus – nitida – nitidum |
nix | L | snow | snow buckwheat, Eriogonum niveum; snow bunting, Plectrophenax nivalis; snow petrel, Pagodroma nivea; snow sheepOvis nivicola; snowy plover, Charadrius nivosus; snowy primrose, Primula nivalis; snowy sunflower, Helianthus niveus; | nivalis – niveus – nivea – niveum – nivosus |
nonus | L | ninth | honey fungus, Armillaria nabsnona | |
nothos | G νόθος (nóthos) L nothus | false, wrong | bluefin notho killifish, Nothobranchius rachovii; New Zealand red beech, Nothofagus fusca | |
noton | G νῶτον (nôton) | back | black-backed antshrike, Thamnophilus melanonotus | |
notos | G νότος (nótos) | southern | fawn hopping mouse, Notomys cervinus | |
novaehollandiae | L | from New Holland (Australia) | emu, Dromaius novaehollandiae | |
novaeseelandiae | L | from New Zealand | southern boobookNinox novaeseelandiae | |
noveboracensis | L | from New York (Novum Eboracum) | margined carrion beetle, Oiceoptoma noveboracense; New York fern, Thelypteris noveboracensis; northern waterthrush, Seiurus noveboracensis | noveboracensis – noveboracense |
novem | L | nine | nine-banded armadillo, Dasypus novemcinctus; nine-spotted lady beetle, Coccinella novemnotata | |
nucifera | L | bearing nuts | butter-nut of Guiana, Caryocar nuciferum; coconut, Cocos nucifera | All pages with titles containing nucifera |
nutans | L | nodding | nodding madia, Harmonia nutans; nodding spurge, Euphorbia nutans | nutans |
Latin/Greek | Language | English | Example | Search for titles containing the word or using the prefix: |
obscurus | L | dark | dark bolo mouse, Necromys obscurus; dusky dolphin, Lagenorhynchus obscurus; obscure morning glory, Ipomoea obscura; rare clubmoss, Lycopodium obscurum | obscurus – obscura – obscurum |
obsoletus | L | obsolete, degenerate | Pantherophis obsoletus; Great Plains skink, Plestiodon obsoletus | obsoletus – obsoletum |
occidentalis | L | western | eastern arborvitae, Thuja occidentalis; western clover, Trifolium occidentale | occidentalis – occidentale |
ocean | G ὠκεανός (ōkeanós) | ocean | oceanic gecko, Gehyra oceanica; Mediterranean tapeweed, Posidonia oceanica | oceanicus – oceanica |
octo-, octa- | G ὀκτω-ὀκτα- | eight | common octopus, Octopus vulgaris | |
-odon, -odus | G ὀδών (odṓn), ὀδούς (odoús) | tooth | Dimetrodon, Rhizodus | |
oeso- | G οἰσέμεν (oisémen), οἰσ- | carry | Oesophagostomum | |
officinalis | L | for the workshop; medicinal | ginger, Zingiber officinale; rosemary, Rosmarinus officinalis | officinalis – officinale |
oleraceus | L | used as a vegetable | cabbage, broccoli, kale, Brussels sprouts, and so on, Brassica oleracea; common sowthistle, Sonchus oleraceus | oleraceus – oleracea – oleraceum |
oleum, olearis | L | oil | Omphalotus olearius, jack o'lantern mushroom | |
ophis | G ὄφις (óphis) | serpent | Carphophis vermis, western wormsnake | |
ops | G ὤψ (ṓps) | face, eye | Triceratops | |
-opsis | G ὄψις (ópsis) | resembling | Carolina parakeet, Conuropsis carolinensis | |
orientalis | L | eastern | oriental cockroach, Blatta orientalis | orientalis – orientale |
ortho- | G ὀρθός (orthós) | straight | Orthoptera | |
oryza | G ὄρυζα (óruza) | rice | Asian rice, Oryza sativa; rice rats, Oryzomys | |
ovatus | L | egg-shaped | shagbark hickory, Carya ovata | ovatus – ovata – ovatum |
Latin/Greek | Language | English | Examples | Search for titles containing the word or using the prefix: |
pachy- | G παχύς (pakhús) | thick, stout | Pachycephalosaurus | |
pallidus | L | pale | Dalmatian iris, Iris pallida | pallidus – pallida – pallidum |
palustris | L paluster | of the marsh | mugger crocodile, Crocodylus palustris; marsh marigold, Caltha palustris | palustris – palustre |
pan-panto- | G πᾶν (pân) | all | Pancratium (a flower); Pangaea | |
parviflorus | L | small-flowered | small-flowered mallow, Malva parviflora; thimbleberry, Rubus parviflorus | parviflorus – parviflora – parviflorum |
parvifolius | L | small-leaved | Chinese elm, Ulmus parvifolia; littleleaf ceanothus, Ceanothus parvifolius; small-leaved lomatium, Lomatium parvifolium | parvifolius – parvifolia – parvifolium |
parvus | L | small | dwarf catshark, Asymbolus parvus; mountain pygmy possum, Burramys parvus; small onion, Allium parvum | parvus – parvum |
pecten | L | comb | Venus comb murex, Murex pecten | |
ped | L pēs | foot | showy lady slipper, Cypripedium reginae | |
pelagicus | L, G πελαγικός | of the open sea | pelagic cormorant, Phalacrocorax pelagicus | pelagicus – pelagica – pelagicum |
penn- | L penna | feather, wing | great auk, Pinguinus impennis; Darwin's rhea, Rhea pennata | |
penta- | G πέντε (pénte) | five | five-fingered skink, Chalcides pentadactylus | |
petro- | G πέτρα (pétra), L petra | rock, stone | rock daisy, Erigeron petrophilus; Roberts's flat-headed bat, Sauromys petrophilus | |
phago- | G ἔφαγον | eat | African scat (fish), Scatophagus tetracanthus; Ichthyophaga, the ('fish-eating') sea eagle | |
phenolicus | L | able to degrade phenol | Pseudoalteromonas phenolica | phenolicus – phenolica – phenolicum |
philippinensis | L | from the Philippines | Philippine cobra, Naja philippinensis; katmon tree, Dillenia philippinensis | |
pholis | G φολῐ́ς (pholís) | horny scale | bluespotted grouper, Cephalopholis argus | |
phyllo- | G φύλλον (phúllon) | leaf | garden lupin, Lupinus polyphyllus | |
physi- | G φύσις (phúsis) | nature | Symphysia ('naturally joined') (a plant)[4] | |
phyto- | G φυτόν (phutón) | plant | Astrophytum, Astrophytum myriostigma (a cactus); epiphyte | |
pictus | L | painted | Pimelodus pictus, a catfish; painted skipper, Hesperilla picta; painted tunicate, Clavelina picta; Abutilon pictum, a shrub | pictus – picta – pictum |
platy- | G πλατύς (platús) | flat and broad | flathead trout, Salmo platycephalus; platypus | |
plumosum | L | feathered | big tarweed, Blepharizonia plumosa; buzzer midge, Chironomus plumosus | plumosus – plumosa – plumosum |
pod- | G πούς (poús) | foot, leg, stem | red-footed spikesedge, Eleocharis erythropoda; Arthropoda; Gastropoda | |
poliocephalus | G | grey-headed | ashy-headed goose, Chloephaga poliocephala; grey-crowned flatbill, Tolmomyias poliocephalus; grey-headed flying fox, Pteropus poliocephalus; grey-headed goshawk, Accipiter poliocephalus; hoary-headed grebe, Poliocephalus poliocephalus; white-headed langur, Trachypithecus poliocephalus; yellow-lored tody-flycatcher, Todirostrum poliocephalum | poliocephalus – poliocephala – poliocephalum |
poly- | G πολύς (polús) | many, much | common knotgrass, Polygonum aviculare | |
pomum | L | fruit | apple maggot, Rhagoletis pomonella; apple murex, Phyllonotus pomum; codling moth, Cydia pomonella; emu apple, Kunzea pomifera; Osage orange, Maclura pomifera | pomum – pomifer – pomifera – pomonella |
ponticus | G Πόντος (Póntos) | Pontic; from Pontus, Turkey | Black Sea field mouse, Apodemus ponticus; Pontic adder, Vipera pontica; Pontic rhododendron, Rhododendron ponticum; Roman wormwood, Artemisia pontica | ponticus – pontica – ponticum |
praecox | L | early | early onion, Allium praecox; neon rainbow, Melanotaenia praecox; wintersweet, Chimonanthus praecox | praecox |
prātum | L | meadow | Inyo meadow lupine, Lupinus pratensis; meadow foxtail, Alopecurus pratensis; meadow sedge, Carex praticola; meadow waxcap, Cuphophyllus pratensis | pratensis – pratense – praticola |
proto- | G πρῶτος (prôtos) | first | Protozoa | |
pruriens | L | itching | velvet bean, Mucuna pruriens | pruriens |
pseudo- | L G ψευδής (pseudḗs) | false or fake | Brazilian false rice rat, Pseudoryzomys simplex; pastel flower, Pseuderanthemum variabile | |
psychrophilus | G ψυχρός (psukhrós) | cold-loving | bacterial rod, Flavobacterium psychrophilum; bacterium, Geobacter psychrophilus; whip-lash squid, Mastigoteuthis psychrophila | psychrophilus – psychrophila – psychrophilum |
pterus, -pter | G πτερόν (pterón) | wing, feather | white-winged tern, Chlidonias leucopterus; Pteranodon (winged toothless); Pterodactylus (winged finger); Pteridophyta; Diptera; Coleoptera | |
pubescens | L | downy | downy oak, Quercus pubescens | pubescens |
pugil | L pugil | a boxer | fighting conch, Strombus pugilis | pugilis |
pulchellus | L | pretty little[5] | beautiful sunbird, Cinnyris pulchella; green pygmy goose, Nettapus pulchellus | pulchellus – pulchella – pulchellum |
pumilus | L | dwarf | Cape dwarf chameleon, Bradypodion pumilum; dwarf cuckoo, Coccycua pumila; dwarf mouse-ear, Cerastium pumilum; eastern forest bat, Vespadelus pumilus; shaggy fleabane, Erigeron pumilus; Siberian elm, Ulmus pumila | pumila – pumilus – pumilum |
punctatus | L | spotted, marked with punctures | dotted thyme-moss, Rhizomnium punctatum; thirteen-spotted lady beetle, Hippodamia tredecimpunctata | punctatus – punctata – punctatum |
pungens | L pungens | pungent | blue spruce, Picea pungens; pungent slippery jack, Suillus pungens | pungens |
purpurascens | L | somewhat purple | veiled purple hygrophorus, Hygrophorus purpurascens | purpurascens |
purpureus | L purpureus | purple | purple amole, Chlorogalum purpureum; purple coneflower, Echinacea purpurea; purple finch, Haemorhous purpureus | purpureus – purpurea – purpureum |
pygo- | G πυγή (pugḗ) | tail, rump | chinstrap penguin, Pygoscelis antarcticus |

Latin/Greek | Language | English | Example | Search for titles containing the word or using the prefix: |
quadri- | L quattuor | four, square | burr grass, Festuca quadriflora (four-flowered); four-coloured bushshrike, Telophorus quadricolor; fourspot butterflyfish, Chaetodon quadrimaculatus; whorled loosestrife, Lysimachia quadrifolia (four-leaved) | All pages with titles beginning with Quadri |
Basic Greek Phrases Pdf Viewer
Latin/Greek | Language | English | Examples | Search for titles containing the word or using the prefix: |
radix | L | root or radish | taproot fleabane, Erigeron radicatus | radix – radicans – radicatus – radicis |
rāmus | L | branch | branched draba, Draba ramosissima; branched murex, Chicoreus ramosus | ramosus – ramosa – ramulosus |
regalis | L | royal | Synalpheus regalis; regal moth, Citheronia regalis; royal lily, Lilium regale | regalis – regale |
repandus | L repandus | curved upwards, turned up | dragon's tongue, Hemigraphis repanda; hedgehog mushroom, Hydnum repandum; Peruvian apple cactus, Cereus repandus | repandus – repanda – repandum |
repens | L | creeping, crawling (rēpēns) | creeping buttercup, Ranunculus repens | |
repens | L | unexpected (rĕpēns) | white clover, Trifolium repens | |
reptans, rept- | L | creeping, crawling | bugle, Ajuga reptans; creeping cinquefoil, Potentilla reptans; Reptilia | reptans |
reticulata | L | reticulated | mandarin orange, Citrus reticulata | reticulatus – reticulata – reticulatum |
rhino- | G ῥίς (rhís) | nose | orange leaf-nosed bat, Rhinonicteris aurantia; rhinoceros | |
rhiza | G ῥίζα (rhíza) | root | bushy seedbox, Ludwigia helminthorrhiza; Rhizobium (nitrogen-fixing soil bacteria) | |
rhynchos | G ῥύγχος (rhúnkhos) | beak or snout | mallard, Anas platyrhynchos; Rhamphorhynchus | |
rhytis | G ῥῠτίς (rhutís) | wrinkled, folded | shaggy moss, Rhytidiadelphus triquetrus; Rhytidodon (syn. Rutiodon) | |
rigidus | L | rigid, stiff | big galleta, Hilaria rigida | rigidus – rigida – rigidum |
rostr- | L rōstrum | beak, bill, snout | common crossbill, Loxia curvirostra | |
rostralis | L | with a beak | buttoned snout moth, Hypena rostralis | rostralis – rostrale |
rostratus | L rōstrātus | having a beak | beaked sedge, Carex rostrata; beaked yucca, Yucca rostrata; Caribbean sharp-nose puffer, Canthigaster rostrata; longnose surgeonfish, Zebrasoma rostratum | rostratus – rostrata – rostratum |
ruber, rubr- | L ruber | red | red maple, Acer rubrum; red valerian, Centranthus ruber; ruby bolete, Hortiboletus rubellus; summer tanager, Piranga rubra | ruber – rubra – rubrum – rubellus – rubrescens |
ruder- | L rūdus, rūderis | rubbish | Cannabis ruderalis; Porophyllum ruderale; ruderal bumblebee, Bombus ruderatus | ruderalis – ruderale – ruderatus |
rudis, rud- | L | rough, rude | coarse chameleon, Trioceros rudis; pied kingfisherCeryle rudis; rough gecko, Naultinus rudis; rough mabuya, Eutropis rudis | rudis – rude |
rufus, ruf- | L | red, reddish | red wolf, Canis rufus; rufous rubber cup, Galiella rufa | rufus – rufa – rufum – rufescens |
Latin/Greek | Language | English | Examples | Search for titles containing the word or using the prefix: |
sanctus | L | sacred | See sanctus (species) | sanctus |
sanguis | L | blood | bloodroot, Sanguinaria canadensis | sanguinis |
sapiens | L | wise | recent subspecies of humans: Homo sapiens sapiens ('wise, wise man') | |
saponaria | L | soapy[6][7] | soapworts (Saponaria spp.), soapbark (Quillaja saponaria), Ramaria flavosaponaria | saponaria |
sarawakensis | Malaysian | from Sarawak | Sarawak pygmy swellsharkCephaloscyllium sarawakensis | sarawakensis |
sativus | L | sown, cultivated | oat, Avena sativa; pea, Pisum sativum; rice, Oryza sativa | sativus – sativa – sativum |
saura, -saur | G σαῦρος (saûros) | lizard, reptile | lancetfish, Alepisaurus; Maiasaura (dinosaur) | |
sculptus | L | sculpted | reed-stemmed orchid, Epidendrum sculptum; sculpted lanternshark, Etmopterus sculptus; sculpted puffball, Calvatia sculpta | sculptus – sculpta – sculptum |
septem | L | seven | seven-spot ladybird, Coccinella septempunctata | |
septentrionalis | L | northern (cf. borealis) | northern spleenwort, Asplenium septentrionale | septentrionalis – septentrionale |
setosus | L | bristly or shaggy | hairy Atlantic spiny rat, Trinomys setosus; artic irisIris setosa, Diadema setosum | setosus – setosa – setosum |
silvestris, sylvestris | L | from woodland or forest; wild | wildcat, Felis silvestris; snowdrop anemone, Anemone sylvestris | silvestris, sylvestris – silvestre, sylvestre |
similis | L | similar | Callinectes similis | similis |
simplex | L | simple | see List of species named simplex | simplex |
sinensis | L | from China | tea, Camellia sinensis | sinensis – sinense |
speciosus | L | showy | queen's crape-myrtle, Lagerstroemia speciosa; Japanese lily, Lilium speciosum | speciosus – speciosa – speciosum |
sperma | G σπέρμα (spérma) | seed | African daisies, Osteospermum | |
sphen-, spheno- | G σφήν (sphḗn) | wedge | tuatara, Sphenodon punctatus | |
squamatus | l | with scales | scaly francolin, Pternistis squamatus, scaled woodcreeper, Lepidocolaptes squamatus | |
stoma | G στόμα (stóma) | mouth, opening | stomate, Gnathostomata | |
striatus | L | striped | African striped skink, Trachylepis striata; striated heron, Butorides striatus; striped Barbados lily, Hippeastrum striatum | striatus – striata – striatum |
strictus | L | straight, narrow, erect | chocolate lily, Dichopogon strictus; Oxalis stricta; Babiana stricta; Nardus stricta, bog haircap moss, Polytrichum strictum | strictus – stricta – strictum |
strix, strig- | L | owl | tawny owl, Strix aluco; tawny frogmouth, Podargus strigoides | |
suber | L | cork | cork oak, Quercus suber | |
suchos, -suchus | G σοῦχος (soûkhos) | crocodile (from Egyptian) | Eusuchia, Koolasuchus | |
sulcatus | L | furrowed | furrowed wakerobin, Trillium sulcatum; grooved helmet-orchid, Nematoceras sulcatum | sulcatus – sulcata – sulcatum |
syriacus | L | Syrian | common milkweed, Asclepias syriacus | syriacus – syriaca – syriacum |
Latin/Greek | Language | English | Examples | Search for titles containing the word or using the prefix: |
tardus, tardi- | L | slow, late | great bustard, Otis tarda; Chisos Mountains oak, Quercus tardifolia | |
tele-, tel- | G τῆλε (têle) | far, distant | New South Wales waratah, Telopea speciosissima | |
tenax | L | clinging, tenacious | bear grass, Xerophyllum tenax; tough bully, Sideroxylon tenax; tough-leaved iris, Iris tenax | tenax |
tenuis | L | thin, slender, fine | slender rush, Juncus tenuis; plealeaf knotweed, Polygonum tenue | tenuis – tenue |
tetra- | G τετρα- | four | four-leaved allseed, Polycarpon tetraphyllum; Tetrapoda | |
therium, ther- | G θηρίον (thēríon), θήρ (thḗr) | beast, wild animal | giant ground sloth, Megatherium americanum; stinkpot turtle, Sternotherus odoratus; gelada, Theropithicus gelada | |
tinctorius | L | for dyeing | woad, Isatis tinctoria | tinctorius – tinctoria – tinctorium |
tomentosus | L | furry | bristle-tail filefish, Acreichthys tomentosus; fuzzy mock-orange, Philadelphus tomentosus; woollyleaf ceanothus, Ceanothus tomentosus | tomentosus – tomentosa – tomentosum |
tri-, tris- | L tri-, G τρι- (tri-) | three | black-legged kittiwake, Rissa tridactyla; three-cornered garlic, Allium triquetrum | |
tricho-, -thrix | G θρίξ (thríx), τριχ- (trikh-) | hair | cloud ear fungus, Auricularia polytricha | |
tripartitus | L | three-part | threepart violet, Viola tripartita; threetip sagebrush, Artemisia tripartita | tripartitus – tripartita |
troglodytes | L G τρωγλοδύτης (trōglodútēs) | cave-dweller | chimpanzee, Pan troglodytes; wren, Troglodytes troglodytes | |
tropicalis | L | tropical | Candida tropicalis (yeast); Rostraureum tropicale (fungus) | tropicalis – tropicale |
Latin/Greek | Language | English | Example | Search for titles containing the word or using the prefix: |
ulmus | L | elm | American elm, Ulmus americana; elmleaf goldenrod, Solidago ulmifolia; Siberian elm, Ulmus pumila; Ulmus | |
ulos | G οὖλος (oûlos) | woolly | Uloborus; Ulotrichi; Ulotrichopus | All pages with titles beginning with Ulo |
unus | L | one | Monotropa uniflora; unicolor woolly lemur, Avahi unicolor | |
ura | G οὐρά (ourá) | of the tail | mourning dove, Zenaida macroura; coral snake, Micrurus corallinus |
Latin/Greek | Language | English | Examples | Search for titles containing the word or using the prefix: |
variabilis | L | variable | grey bunting, Emberiza variabilis | variabilis – variabile |
variegatus | L | variegated | variegated laughingthrush, Garrulax variegatus; croton, Codiaeum variegatum | variegatus – variegata – variegatum |
velox, velocis | L | swift | swift fox, Vulpes velox; Velociraptor | velox |
ventralis | L | ventral, of the belly | Hispaniolan parrot, Amazona ventralis; southern dwarf chameleon, Bradypodion ventrale | ventralis – ventrale |
vernicosa | L | varnished | varnished maxillaria, Maxillaria vernicosa | vernicosus – vernicosa – vernicosum |
vernus, vernalis | L | spring | spring gentian, Gentiana verna; spring pheasant's eye, Adonis vernalis; spring sneezeweed, Helenium vernale | vernalis – vernale |
verrucosus | L | rough-skinned | Javan warty pig, Sus verrucosus; reef stonefish, Synanceia verrucosa | verrucosus – verrucosa – verrucosum |
versicolor | L | many-colored | varied honeyeater, Lichenostomus versicolor; Vietnam mouse-deer, Tragulus versicolor | versicolor |
verticillata | L | whorled | spaghetti bryozoan, Zoobotryon verticillatum; whorled plectranthus, Plectranthus verticillatus | verticillatus – verticillata – verticillatum |
verus | L | true, genuine | true aloe, Aloe vera; lady's bedstraw, Galium verum | verus – verum |
victoriae | L | Victorian | Victoria's bar, Cigaritis victoriae | victoriae |
villosus | L[8] | hairy, shaggy | hairy nightshade, Solanum villosum; hairy stonecrop, Sedum villosum; hairy vetch, Vicia villosa; hairy woodpecker, Picoides villosus; shaggy hawkweed, Hieracium villosum; villous deadly carrot, Thapsia villosa | villosus – villosa – villosum |
virginiana | L | Virginia | Virginia opossum, Didelphis virginiana; Rosa virginiana, the Virginia rose | virginiana – virginianum |
viridis | L | green | frog orchid, Coeloglossum viride; green alder, Alnus viridis; green wrasse, Labrus viridis | viridis – viride |
virosus | L | poisonous | cowbane, Cicuta virosa; poisonous lettuce, Lactuca virosa | virosus - virosa |
viticola (vitis-cola) | L | grape vine inhabitant or cultivator | Phomopsis viticola; Plasmopara viticola; Schizomyia viticola | viticola |
volans | L | flying | flying dragon, Draco volans; southern flying squirrel, Glaucomys volans | volans |
vulgaris | L | common | common octopus, Octopus vulgaris; common privet, Ligustrum vulgare | vulgaris – vulgare |
Basic Greek Phrases
Latin/Greek | Language | English | Example | Search for titles containing the word or using the prefix: |
xanthos | G ξανθός | yellow | yellow staining mushroom, Agaricus xanthodermus | All pages with titles beginning with Xanth |
zoster | G ζωστήρ (zōstḗr) | belt, girdle | white-eyes, Zosterops; Zosterophyllum; Zosterocarpus abyssicola | All pages with titles beginning with Zoster |
zygos | G ζυγός | joined | Zygophyllum; Zygoptera | All pages with titles beginning with Zygo |
See also[edit]
- ^Chuck Griffith. 'Dictionary of Botanical Epithets'.
- ^'Rhus glabra L.' Northern Arizona University. Retrieved 4 September 2012.
- ^'Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary, G, Gracchus, grăcĭlĭpes'. Retrieved 2016-01-17.
- ^Umberto Quattrocchi (2000). CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names. CRC Press. p. 2610. ISBN978-0-8493-2673-8.
- ^Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short (1879). 'pulchellus'. A Latin Dictionary.
- ^Saponaria. Flora of North America.
- ^Griffith, Chuck (2005). 'Dictionary of Botanical Epithets'(HTML). Dictionary of Botanical Epithets. Retrieved 16 July 2018.
saponarius saponaria saponarium soapy sapo sapon noun/m soap (from German) arius ari adj adjective suffix for nouns or numbers: connected to or possessed by
- ^'Charlton T. Lewis, An Elementary Latin Dictionary, villōsus'. Retrieved 2016-01-17.
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