Maryland Drivers License Restriction B

  1. Maryland Driver's License Restriction B
  2. Texas Driver's License Restriction B

Maryland Commercial Driver's License. To help you pass your written CDL knowledge test, today you will answer 50 multiple-choice questions that will test your knowledge of information in the Maryland Commercial Driver License Manual.The questions cover such topics as backing, braking, emergency preparedness, vehicle maintenance, and driving under special conditions. This restriction is placed on the driver license of a person who is legally blind (20/200) in the right. Restriction Codes and Descriptions Page 1 of 3 4/14/2016. Code as of January 28, 2013 Existing. This restriction is placed on a Class B driver’s license that contains a J endorsement. The Maryland drivers license reinstatement process can be completed through the state Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA). Revoked and suspended drivers licenses in MD are handed down to drivers who commit qualifying offenses — both driving and non-driving.

Obtaining a commercial driver's license (CDL) in Maryland requirespassage of a skills and knowledge test based upon the type of commercial motorvehicles (CMV) being driven. Federal law requires that CDL drivers crossingstate lines must be 21 years of age. States may set different age limits for commercialdrivers that operate solely within the state. You can learn more aboutMaryland’s CDL license requirements in the Maryland CDL manual.

Maryland follows federal guidelines that provide for threeclassifications of CMVs as described below. (Learn more about the FederalCommercial Driver’s License Program(CDL/CDLIS).) CDLs are regulated nationwide under the MotorCarrier Safety Improvement Act of 1999. Thatlaw was modified by the Patriot Act, effective 2005, which provided thatout-of-state transfers of CDLs were subject to certainsecurity measures particularly in regard totransportation of hazardous materials.

  • Class A. Any combination ofvehicles with a gross combination weight rating (GCWR) of 26,001 or more poundsprovided the GVWR of the vehicle(s) being towed is in excess of 10,000 pounds.
  • Class B. Any single vehicle witha gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) of 26,001 or more pounds, or any such vehicletowing a vehicle not in excess of 10,000 pounds GVWR.
  • Class C. Any single vehicle, orcombination of vehicles, that does not meet the definition of Class A or ClassB, but is either designed to transport 16 or more passengers, including thedriver, or is transporting material that has been designated as hazardous. Note: A bus may be either Class B orClass C depending on whether the GVWR is 26,001 pounds or more.

Testing and Fees. The fees are shown hereand qualifying information for a commercial drivers license in Maryland isshown here.

Traffic Violations and CDL Disqualification

Maryland drivers can lose their CDL license on atemporary or permanent basis. The degree of loss depends on whether theviolation is characterized as major (which always results in some form ofdisqualification) or serious (which cumulatively result in disqualification) orotherwise. Below we set out the standards. Note:Using a CMV or non CMV in the commissionof a felony involving manufacturing, distributing, or dispensing a controlledsubstance will result in a disqualification for life, without the possibilityof reinstatement.

Maryland Drivers License Restriction B

Disqualificationfor major violations. Below we list the causesfor a “major violation.” The firstviolation for a major violation, in a CMV or a non-CMV, results in a one-yeardisqualification (or a three-year disqualification if transporting hazardousmaterials required to be placarded). The secondviolation for a major, in a CMV or a non-CMV, results in a lifetimedisqualification. The driver may be eligible for reinstatement under certainconditions after ten years. Major violations include:

  • Being under the influenceof alcohol as prescribed by Maryland law. (Read more about Maryland DUI law.)
  • Being under the influenceof a controlled substance.
  • Having a blood alcoholconcentration (BAC) of .04% or greater while operating a CMV.
  • Refusing to take an alcoholtest as required by Maryland law under its implied consent laws or regulations.
  • Leaving the scene of anaccident.
  • Using the vehicle to commita felony.
  • Driving a CMV when, as aresult of prior violations committed operating a CMV, the driver's CDL isrevoked, suspended, or canceled, or the driver is disqualified from operating aCMV.
  • Causing a fatality throughthe negligent operation of a CMV, including but not limited to the crimes ofmotor vehicle manslaughter, homicide by motor vehicle and negligent homicide.
  • Using the vehicle in thecommission of a felony involving manufacturing, distributing, or dispensing acontrolled substance.

Disqualificationfor serious traffic violations. The first violation for a serious violationdoes not result in a disqualification. A secondserious violation within three years, results in a 60 day disqualification, and a third serious violation within three years,results in a 120 day disqualification. Serious disqualifications must be servedconsecutively. All serious violations in a CMV are included. Serious violationsin a non-CMV must not be included, unless it results in the revocation,cancellation, or suspension of the CDL holder's license or non-CMV drivingprivileges.

  • Speeding excessively,involving any speed of 15 miles per hour or more above the posted speed limit.
  • Driving recklessly, asdefined by Maryland law, including but, not limited to, offenses of driving amotor vehicle in willful or wanton disregard for the safety of persons orproperty.
  • Making improper or erratictraffic lane changes.
  • Following the vehicle aheadtoo closely.
  • Violating Maryland lawrelating to motor vehicle traffic control (other than a parking violation)arising in connection with a fatal accident.
  • Driving a CMV withoutobtaining a CDL.
  • Driving a CMV without a CDLin the driver's possession.
  • Driving a CMV without theproper class of CDL and/or endorsements for the specific vehicle group beingoperated or for the passengers or type of cargo being transported.

Disqualificationfor railroad-highway grade crossing (RRHGC) offenses, while operating a CMV. The first violationof a RRHGC results in a disqualification of not less than 60 days. The second violation, within three years,results in a disqualification of not less than 120 days. The third and subsequent violations, within3 years, results in a disqualification of not less than one year. RRHGC include:

  • The driver is not requiredto always stop, but fails to slow down and check that tracks are clear of an approachingtrain.
  • The driver is not requiredto always stop, but fails to stop before reaching the crossing, if the tracksare not clear.
  • The driver is alwaysrequired to stop, but fails to stop before driving onto the crossing.
  • The driver fails to have sufficientspace to drive completely through the crossing without stopping.
  • The driver fails to obey atraffic control device or the directions of an enforcement official at thecrossing.
  • The driver fails tonegotiate a crossing because of insufficient undercarriage clearance.

Violation ofOut-of-Service Order while operating a CMV. Violatinga driver or vehicle out-of-service order transporting hazardous ornon-hazardous materials or while operating a vehicle designed to transport 16or more passengers, including the driver.

CDL Specific Violations

There area number of requirements that apply only to those with a commercial driver'slicense. Many of these requirements are set on the federal level. Drivers canalso be penalized for the following CDL related offenses:

  • Overweight. Vehicles must have specific permits if they carry an oversized load. Permits can be issued annually or per-trip and cannot be transferred from vehicle to vehicle.
  • Log Books. CDL drivers must have a logbook that is up to date and that reflects hours driven. Falsifying or failing to keep a logbook can result in federal penalties and is punishable by up to six months in jail.
  • Speeding while towing a trailer. If driving above 15 miles per hour over the speed limit, this can result in suspension of a license.
  • Grade restrictions.A commercial driver who drives on a road where he or she is not permitted due to its grade (steepness) can be subject to penalties up to a 60-day license suspension for a first offense.

Maryland Driver's License Restriction B


Drivers are also not allowed to have more than one CDL. Ifyou are found having multiple CDLs from different states, you may be finedup to $5,000 and jailed. The court can also keep your home state license, andwill return licenses from all other states.

Texas Driver's License Restriction B

Personal Violations

The MotorCarrier Safety Improvement Act of 1999states that drivers with a CDL will have their CDL disqualified if theyare convicted of certain types of moving violations in their personalvehicle. These may occur if: (1) a driver loses his license to operate hispersonal vehicle, whether by having it suspended, canceled or revoked, and thecause was a serious speeding violating, he will lose his CDL from somewherebetween 60 and 120 days, and (2) the personal vehicle license is revoked,suspended or canceled due to an alcohol violation, the CDL will be lostfor one year. The CDL will be lost for life if the driver receives asecond alcohol conviction, even if the offense was committed in ispersonal car. Something called a 'hardship' license to operate aCMV exists, but drivers may not obtain one of these if they have losttheir license to operate personal vehicles. If you are convicted of any traffic violationother than parking violations, regardless of what type of vehicle you aredriving, you must tell your employer of that within 30 days.

Getting Help

If you have been ticketed or issued a CDLviolation in Maryland, you may have defenses available to you. Because disqualificationor loss of license can result from various infractions, you should considerconsulting an attorney who can explain your options and help you to explorepotential defenses.