- Try to avoid client storms Can dynamically load MQ libraries if client or local binding Preferable to shipping two versions of the program Capitalware's MQ Technical Conference v2.0.1.3 Open a Queue QMGR Object Handle Completion Code Reason Code Connection Handle Open Options Object Descriptor MQCONNX MQOPEN Indicate type of open required.
- WebSphere MQ Coding Examples. This section contains examples of using the WebSphere MQ interface to send and receive messages to and from application messaging queues. There are two examples of using DATA step code to send and receive text files. The first shows how to do it without using WebSphere MQ V5 features.
- MQC9: IBM MQ V9 Clients. This SupportPac contains all the IBM MQ V9 client components. Download Description. (IPLA) and thus, carry program defect service for IBM MQ customers. Please read the IPLA and LI files that accompany the SupportPac, to ensure you understand the conditions under which the SupportPac is provided.
On the IBM® WebSphere® MQ MQI client workstation, use the amqsputc sample program to put a message on the queue at the server workstation. Use the amqsgetc sample program to get the message from the queue back to the client.
With the .NET support pack to access MQSeries, C# developers can easily access IBM MQSeries which is especially important for front-end developers wishing to access the mainframe (CICS, DB2).
The non-connected database classes within ADO make C# very attractive compared to other languages available today for front-end development especially considering the pseudo conversational nature of CICS as the mainframe transaction server. Unfortunately, IBM supplies only a few very basic examples of accessing MQSeries using C# with the .NET support pack. For other languages, e.g. C, there is an abundance of helpful examples available.
Another difficulty is that the examples are designed to run on an MQ client with a corresponding MQ server program running on a separate machine supplying the replies etc., although many developers would prefer to develop and test on the same machine (as I do on my laptop).
In this article, I am going to give four examples (eight programs) to put and get messages to and from MQSeries using four different methods which build on each other:
- Programs exmqput1 and exmqget1:
message andGET
message program pair. - Programs exmqreq1 and exmqrep1:
program pair. - Programs exmqreq2 and exmqrep2:
program pair, using a dynamic queue to hold the reply (suitable for database queries with result sets). - Programs exmqreq3 and exmqrep3:
program pair, using a dynamic queue to hold the reply in which theGET REQUEST
program is triggered by the calling program.
All the examples only use the Queue name(s) and Queue Manager name. I don't use the channel definition as all the examples are running on the same machine.
Examples of how to use the channel definitions are shown in the sample programs supplied with the .NET Support Pack.
First, you need to install the .NET support pack in the PC where I assume you have already installed MQSeries Client/Server. This can be downloaded here.
To create the example QueueManager, Queues and the Process used in Example 4, run the batch file exqmansetup.bat supplied with the source code.
To remove the example QueueManager and all associated objects, run the batch file exqmanremove.bat. Afterwards, it may be necessary to remove the entry for the QueueManager in Websphere MQ Explorer by right clicking the EXQMAN entry and then clicking 'delete'.
Environment tips/problems.
I have included a batch file 'setpath' which will extend the path to include the directory where the csc.exe file resides, normally path C:WINNTMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv1.1.4322 and the path to the Websphere MQ libraries, normally C:programmeIBMWebsphere MQbin. These may not be necessary depending on how your path variables are already set up.
Mq Client Download
I had a problem compiling as the compiler could not find the amqmdnet.dll library. I copied this DLL into the directory where the examples were running and all was well. To save any trouble, I have also copied this DLL into the zip file.
You may not have this problem but at least you now know where the IBM.WMQ
classes are.
One deficiency I found was in exception handling. The MQException
class returns the completion code and a reason code but there is no way to display the associated error text. This meant that I had to look up the reason code (in the Application Programmers Guide, page 605) to find the message text and then page through the error messages which are in alphabetic order to get the explanation.
I decided to create a class (MQRCText
) which has a static array containing all 360 error message texts and one method (getMQRCText
) which accepts the reason code and returns the message text. I made this into a DLL and all the example programs include this library in the compile statement. This saved me a lot of time as it was much easier to see my typos when I had a message about them rather than just a code which meant nothing to me. I hope you also get some benefit out of this and the source and DLL are included here (MQRCText.cs and MQRCText.dll).
I have built unique dynamic queue name using a text 'dynam' concatenated with the user ID and time of day in the form hhmmssmmm. According to the MQ documentation, it should be possible to enter either a name of under 33 characters ending with an '*' or just an '*' and MQ should automatically build a unique name. I could not get this feature to work.
Creating MQ Objects for the Example Programs.
Run the batch file exqmansetup.bat. This creates the following objects:
The generated objects are used as follows:
Example 4 shows how to use the 'Triggering' function of MQ. This requires a monitor to be listening on the initiation queue which, when a message is received, starts a process (EXPROC
) which in turn starts the REPLY program (exmqrep3). To start the monitor, run batch file runlexiq3.bat.
Introduction Email To Client Sample
Compiling the Example Programs:
The example programs are already compiled and can be used as is. If you wish to change a program, just do the following to recompile:
To compile the example programs, run batch file bldexprogs.bat.
If you get a message saying that it cannot find csc.exe (compiler) or it cannot find the amqmdnet.dll reference library, then see 'Environment tips/problems' above.
Running the example programs:
- Example 1. Open a DOS box and go to the directory where you have the example programs.
Enter: 'exmqput1 LEXQ1 EXQMAN'.
Type in the message you want to
on the queue when requested. The program writes to queueLEXQ1
and requests the next message. If you just hit return without typing anything in, then the program ends. You could now use WebSphere MQ Explorer to browse the queue where you will see the message.Enter: 'exmqget1 LEXQ1 EXQMAN'.
The program reads from queue
and displays all the messages on the console, then the program ends. You could now use WebSphere MQ Explorer to browse the queue where you will see that the message has been read and the queue is empty. - Example 2. Open a DOS box and go to the directory where you have the example programs.
Enter: 'exmqreq1 LEXQ1 LEXQ2 EXQMAN'.
Type in the message you want to
on the queue when requested. The program writes to queueLEXQ1
and the program waits for a response on queueLEXQ2
. When sending the request, the fieldReplyToQueue
contains the reply queue name (LEXQ2
) and the fieldReplyToQueueManager
contains the reply queue manager name.When a response message is received or the
times out (after 60 seconds), the program ends.Open a second DOS box and go to the directory where you have the example programs.
Enter: 'exmqrep1 LEXQ1 EXQMAN'.
The program reads from queue
and displays the message on the console, it then reads theReplyToQueue
fields from the input message, uses these to fill the queue and queue manager names of the reply message and sends (PUT
s) the reply message to the reply queue (LEXQ2
), then the program ends.Note: both programs will wait 60 seconds for a message before timing out. This can be changed in the source code by setting
' or the number of milliseconds to wait (e.g. 60000 -> 60 seconds). - Example 3. Open a DOS box and go to the directory where you have the example programs.
Enter: 'exmqreq2 LEXQ1 EXQMAN'.
Type in the message you want to
on the queue when requested. The program writes to queueLEXQ1
and the program waits for a response on a dynamic queue which is created at run time. When sending the request, the fieldReplyToQueue
contains the reply queue name (dynamic) and the fieldReplyToQueueManager
contains the reply queue manager name.When a response message is received or the
times out (after 60 seconds), the program ends.Open a second DOS box and go to the directory where you have the example programs.
Enter: 'exmqrep2 LEXQ1 EXQMAN'.
The program reads from queue
and displays the message on the console, it then reads theReplyToQueue
fields from the input message, uses these to fill the queue and queue manager names of the reply message and sends (PUT
s) the reply message to the reply queue (dynamic), then the program ends.Note: both programs will wait 60 seconds for a message before timing out. This can be changed in the source code by setting
' or the number of milliseconds to wait (e.g. 60000 -> 60 seconds).Careful: If exmqreq2 times out, it will leave a message on queue
. If then exmqrep2 is started, it will read the message onLEXQ1
but will NOT find the dynamic queue name to send back to (as the dynamic queue is deleted when exmqreq2 is finished). If you get into this situation (check the queue with MQ Explorer Queue Browser), then run exmqget1 which will read and automatically remove messages fromLEXQ1
. - Example 4. Open a DOS box and go to the directory where you have the example programs.
Run batch file runlexiq3.bat to start the MQ Monitor program. This will open its own DOS box in which you can see the trigger message which is sent when the example program runs.
Enter: 'exmqreq3 LEXAQ1 EXQMAN'.
Type in the message you want to
on the queue when requested to do so. The program writes to queueLEXAQ3
and the program waits for a response on a dynamic queue which is created at run time. When sending the request, the fieldReplyToQueue
contains the reply queue name (dynamic) and the fieldReplyToQueueManager
contains the reply queue manager name.LEXAQ3
is an Application Queue, i.e. it has the propertiesTRIGGER
set. This means that when the first message arrives on queueLEXAQ3
, a trigger message is automatically sent to the Initiation queue (LEXIQ3
). This trigger message is read from the Initiation queue by the Monitor program which was previously started by batch file runlexiq3.The monitor program picks up the process (
) and executes the application defined in fieldAPPLICID
('start /wait exmqrep3.exe LEXAQ3 EXQMAN').When a response message is received or the
times out (after 60 seconds), the program ends.Program exmqrep3 is started automatically by the triggering mechanism described above.
The program reads from queue
and displays the message on the console, it then reads theReplyToQueue
fields from the input message, uses these to fill the queue and queue manager names of the reply message and sends (PUT
s) the reply message to the reply queue (dynamic), then the program ends.Note: both programs will wait 60 seconds for a message before timing out. This can be changed in the source code by setting
' or the number of milliseconds to wait (e.g. 60000 -> 60 seconds).
I hope these examples help you to get going with C# and MQSeries. I will be writing a follow up to this, describing the usage of transmission queues and triggering CICS transactions from C#.
Using a DataGrid
to display the results of a SQL query over MQSeries will then be the logical follow up to that.
If you have any questions, corrections, comments etc., please contact me at johnconcannon@eircom.net and if you're interested, check my website where I will be putting up other information focusing on MQSeries, CICS, DB2, REXX, ISPF, COBOL and other mainframe stuff as well as, of course, C#.
Thank you and best wishes.